Randy and Franky are partners in this business, and in life! They met in their early twenties and fell in love. Shortly into their relationship, Randy became bedridden. Franky invited him into his home and nursed him back to health. Then, after a routine ear surgery for Franky, something went very wrong, and Franky became bedridden. It was Randy's turn to care of Franky, as the couple both fought for their lives and started losing loved ones around them due to invisible diseases.
To help them survive, they started this arts and advocacy site, FaeFactory.com, which then led them to creating InvisibleDiseases.com. Their story has inspired countless people worldwide, and caught the attention of Rita Wilson, famed actress and wife of Tom Hanks. Rita featured their story on Huffington Post; written by Randy Ordonio, himself. Please take a moment and see the incredible story HERE!
All support is needed to help the Invisible Diseases community. If you have any ideas or want to help with charitable donations, or donate products, please write to us and together we can make a difference.